Origins is based on scientific research into the synchronicity of the heart and brain. This research reveals a natural electromagnetic process within the body that is 5,000 more powerful than the human brain (as revealed in a study carried out by the Heart Math Institute).
This program teaches a process that helps to learn how to manifest through what we call the 'Intention Point'. Your Intention Point is the meeting ground between your heart and your mind, where your belief system lives, and where your gut decisions are made.
To use the Law of Attraction effectively, Origins provides the process to find your Intention Point by leading you through the 4 main stages of letting go, identifying goals, fueling goals, entering your desired state. Working hand in hand with these 4 stages is our 'Manifestation Addendum' or Intention Point Accelerator handbook that contains 9 powerful practical techniques for honing in on your core energy.

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